Monday, December 21, 2009

Post :: Rock





toe - グッドバイ
mouse on the keys - 最後の晩餐
enemies - Two Lads
Label: MachuPicchu Industriasが誇るポストロックバンズ。MYSPACEで調度この3曲が揃ってるのでマジでチェッケラ。

MachuPicchu Industrias MYSPACE


God Is An Astronaut
- オススメ曲:No Return
初めてポストロックに触れるきっかけをくれたバンド。センスがやばすぎる。MYSPACEにNo Returnが外されてたのでYOUTUBEでチェックすべし。

God Is An Astronaut MYSPACE


Collapse Under The Empire - オススメ曲:Depending on You / Crawling

Collapse Under The Empire MYSPACE

あとは~、まだまだあるけど、いっぺんに出されても、って感じなので次回機会があればと思っております。とりあえずまずMachuPicchu Industrias聞いて、気に入ったらどんどんいってくれ!Xだった場合止めてもよし!いつか目覚める!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Recent Films :: Ninja Assassin

Ninja Assassin
★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ (4/10)

Actions were pretty top notch and Rains physical aesthetics are screaming asian perfection (although he's fugly) but....just couldn't get over the boredom of knowing what's coming up next, by a mile.

A movie for Rain fans.

Friday, December 11, 2009

ガキ :: 使



Monday, December 7, 2009

JLPT :: 日本語能力試験

I should be typing Japanese with this post (or maybe not, for my fellow int. readers), but I just had enough of Kanji's (chinese characters)this week.

It's been approx.7 years since I left Japan and set foot in Hong Kong, and I just noticed I'm not "Japanese" anymore, like, half a year ago. Felt a slight plunge with my Japanese when I was talking to a client one day so I thought it was time to slap a cert on my record right now before it gets any worse. JLPT will do.

HK Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

Simply a test to evaluate and certify non-native speakers. JLPT has 4 levels, with Level 4 being the easiest and Level 1 most difficult. 150 hours of study are necessary for Level 4, and 900 hours for Level 1.
Pssh. I lived 20 years in Japan. So I decided to go with Level 1. Didn't study at all, just a bit the night before the test. It can't be that hard. So I slept a bit early and took off the next morning.


I knew it wouldn't be THAT easy but this was way beyond my assumption. I basically learned my Japanese the 'street way' so I don't really know the concepts behind what I blabber proudly all the time. That's why grammar and all was pretty easy because you choose a correct word or phrase that fits in a sentence, and street smarts people will be able to detect the correct one naturally. What's hard is the damn Kanji's. Since the world's gone digital, people don't write anymore. Or they don't need you to write, so you don't write. The necessity of writing is vanishing and we all rely on typing. It may be ok in other countries but asians here have to deal with 50,000 characters. The kids in the new age probably can't even write their own name in chinese.
The point is, there are Kanjis that look very similar. The fuckers behind creating these questions decided to stick 2 similar kanji's together and take away 1 stroke from one of them. Both of them look very natural. But you just can't remember which character is correct and these are the type of questions that piss you off even more if you get them wrong. I think you need to write down what you want to remember, to really remember it. Writing is like scanning what you write to your brain. The physical movement of your hand is recorded to your brain so it's easier to memorize stuff. But since writing is becoming a minority now, I don't know how kids are going to memorize Kanji.
Anyways, the test wasn't too bad though. Still a chance of failing. I need to pass the 70% mark (for Level 1) and I think I'm at around 80%. 84 tops. But maybe not. I might of been wrong with some questions I thought was 100% right. That'll take me down to 75% and hopefully not any lower.

Results in March (why??). Wish me luck.

If you're interested check it out here.

Monday, November 30, 2009

toe :: グッドバイ(Goodbye) MV

Video and music is full of sense. These guys are nuts.

toe is a post-rock band from Japan.

Check them out here.

肥 :: 満








Saturday, November 28, 2009

VQ1015 :: 結果






Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Stuff :: VQ1015 Entry




Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cheese :: Noodles

Had one of these "cheese noodles" the other day for lunch. Not something you want to have everyday, maybe once every 2 months if you have cheese cravings. Then you'll need 2 extra weeks to run that flubber off.

This particular dish is called Lo Mein, which means "Stirred Noodles", where the soup is usually separated on the side. However for this Cheese Lo Mein the soup ain't even served, but instead they pour a bowl worth of melted cheese on top of instant noodles and top whatever you like, beef, chicken, pork and so on.

....Basically it's like spahgetti but with instant noodles...(and very al dente sometimes)

It's popular for all the celebrities that visited in the past and each photo is wall-mounted, including the windows to draw in the flies. It works though, coz the place is packed during lunch hours.

...You can actually make these at home if you get the cheese right...but.....

Check it out anyways if you're interested.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Recent Films :: 2012


Emmerich. This guy never gets enough. Either he's giving us all a message (in 3 attempts) or he just hates the human race and wants to wipe us off the face of the earth (3rd time now, I won't count Godzilla).

Gotta hand it to him though, y2k12 was way over my expectations. The title (and director) speaks for itself so there isn't much to say really. Story-wise at least. It's a great popcorn movie where you don't have to think much, sit back and just enjoy Emmerich do his thing to humans.

I read a few reviews and comments about the movie and I gotta say here, why the hell do they even look forward to plots in this movie. Not sure if you define "dumb" in world-end plots coz there's only one place to end up in. Oscar worthy? Not really but that's not really the point in this movie and all the creators probably know that. I take it as a message of how "dumb" "WE" are and the movie is a reflection of how things should be. But since we're too dumb to visualize it, it's been done for you. That's another significant part of the movie.

The CG is just...I don't even have a word for it. I respect all the CG's done in other movies but this one was just off the hook. The detail, realism, detail, and detail. The effects are at a scale beyond human imagination (like space), but Emmerich somehow puts the visuals to life, and hits us hard with it. I think that's one of the reasons why there's such a big impact. It's something we can't imagine happening, but it is portrayed so real it makes us believe in the happening. Like the first image. When you hear "worlds end", the first thing that pops in my head is a big explosion. Natural disaster? Maybe earthquakes. But who woulda thought the damn crust would shift like that? It may not happen like that, but it is portrayed so real that you believe it may happen that way. Independence day was a good example too. We knew we'd be seeing UFO's but goddamn I never thought they'd be city sized. But maybe the mofo aliens out there really have a city sized ride.

I kinda said I had nothing to say about this film but damn I just went on. Go watch it in the theaters. If you want dildo seats (which I recommend), go watch it in the Grand Cinema at ELEMENTS (HK). It's a different experience. Fuck iMax.

8pts for the "HOLY SHIT" effect.

Oh and John Cusack is the shit!

Friday, November 13, 2009

JIN :: 仁





Thursday, November 12, 2009

タムハン :: 魚編






Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monotone :: Defintion⇒

⇒Lab rat with no outdoor exercise for helluva long time.

Just look at those paled out legs. Looks like it just got sucked the hell out of by a thousand mosquitoes. You can see how long those legs were hiding from the holy sun if you compare 'em with those manly arms.

BTW badminton was way out of my list back in the days and I don't have much exp (in fact none), so I thought it'd be like playing ping pong but DAMN WAS I WRONG.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

久々 :: さしぶィ~ッッス







3BL +1BE+1BR+1WH+2YE :: The Whole World

It's been all about Russell Peters lately, and he's got me thinking about "colors". Black, Brown, White, Yellow, Beige. That right there represents the primary colors of the world already. It means the whole world. Let me know if I'm missing a color from the palette, red doesn't count.

Anyways I was skipping down the street after work as usual, passing by the usual basketball court outdoors with yellow sticks running around with an orange ball, as usual, supposedly, but something was unusual this time. The canvas was painted rather colorfully with various I took count.

(Click to count too)

Brown - Check
Beige - Check
White - Check
Black - Check.Check.Check
Yellow - Check.Check...waitWTF

Hong Kong is a international city and colors mix around pretty often, hell almost everyday everywhere, but it was pretty fresh for me to see them together in a court. Thats global competition right there, in a small half-court canvas and I haven't seen anything like that since back in the days in Okinawa. What stunned me more was the 2 yellows were only KIDS, playing buffcut black and beiges in their 20's~30's. They made a shot too. Ok they're just playing around but c'mon you don't see shit like that on a normal day. Props to the kids with enough balls guts to play those guys.

Anyways it was a really weird scene so I snapped a photo. Thinking about it now, if one of them were wanted or something I woulda been killed.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009










Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Collection :: Abduction

When you work in this field, you get all sorts of sweet deals if you have the right resources. I happen to work in the Industrial Design field and through a few cobs the resource happens to have some hookups with nice deals for watches……..
Nah I have my cap on sideways. To put things straight, just got them through a friend. lol

Alessi :: Kaj :: Designed by Karim Rashid (Abducted - 50%)

Appetime :: Pips (Abducted - 100%)

Nike Timing (Abducted - 75%)

Been waiting for these for a month since I ordered them. It was such a good deal I couldn’t resist buying 10, which sums up to the equivalent price of buying 1 digital watch only. NICE.

Enjoyed the collection for about a day maybe.

Then more than half has been abducted, as usual. or2…

Saturday, October 3, 2009

National Day of the P-R-C :: and my balcony

"October 1, 2009 National Day of the PRC = Holiday Hell yea."

That's what scrolled by my mind before the 1st of Octo, high and all until I found out we were being ripped off, again.

I was at a factory the other day in mainland feeling the tension rise, a strange spark of excitement and a shitload (shit.load) of traffic jam. It was ex-National Day and all em people of the the Republic of China were rushing home.

Preparing for their holiday, which I later found out they had 1 damn week.

Us, em people of the Hong Kong Boondock's only have 1 day! WTF? I know we kiss a lot of western ass but c'mon we're still YELLOW, have eyes with the potential of being blindfolded with a dental floss and we speak CHING CHANG. What's with this workaholic shit. It's all boondock's here and we need to crop more but c'mon give us a break right.

Anyways, feeling blue and all I was surfing the web for anything that'll cure this jealousy thing with some laughs, until I heard some noise outside. Ignored it the first few times but it just kept going so I put my foot down and took a peak out the balcony and whatdyaknow. Cash being lit and burned to ashes in the air.

For 25minutes.

Gotta say it was pretty good though. That's a lot of fucking money evaporating but it does put up a good view, so I took some pictures.

Back to work again.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

方言が:: と感じる人の出身県ランキング

Mixi ニュースで興味深い記事発見したので纏めてみた。(gooランキングより)








Sunday, September 27, 2009

路上の・・:: ●●










学  名:Lepidobatrachus laevis
英  名:Budgett's Frog
分  布:ブラジル、パラグアイ、アルゼンチンあたり
全  長:5cm

命  名:タム

Friday, September 25, 2009

ブサカワイイ :: キモカワイイ









Saturday, September 19, 2009

東京零九 :: 完







Friday, September 18, 2009

東京零九 :: Shoku







Wednesday, September 16, 2009

東京零九 :: DQ9







Tuesday, September 15, 2009

東京零九 :: Shopping




iPod Touchにも着せてみた。なかなかだ。


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Spaghetti :: Noodles


Never thought of this one...

Ultimate Ears :: SuperFi 5

Been hella busy recently but since it's 090909, can't resist to post. A very big THX to the ladies 'n foes.

Got these extremely fun pair of cans last week.

Looks great. Sounds great. Been using these ever since. These cans really push the level of a single armature to the limits.

Thanks a lot guys!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Recent Films :: Inglourious Basterds

Inglourious Basterds
★★★★★★★★★☆ (8.9/10)

I stared at the monitor for approximately 5 minutes to figure out how many stars I’m gonna stamp on this title. What a DAMN GOOD FILM. Watchmen, the best movie I’ve watched this year was a while back and the impact is fading. Current impressions tend to overwhelm the impressions in the past (right?), so I had to be careful. They’re both really different movies but shot by 2 directors that share common tastes in differentiation. Definitely one of the best films this year....

People into Tarantino films probably know what to expect from him or at least assume how it’s going to play so I’ll just save a whole page on that….Just one thing I have to mention is the style isn’t exactly the same and some criticize this but I think it completely makes sense. What you expect from him is still here but more remixed into the era we’re in now. What’s a director without various perspectives?

One thing that got me pinned to the screen was the weird intensity. One out of the bunch: Just 2 men talking in a wood house located in the mountains of France. They’re just talking. I don’t know WTF it was I had chills run down my spine a couple times. I’m (still) guessing it’s the camera movement + situation….or it could be Christoph Waltz. This guy’s nuts. But it got me nervous the whole scene, and I still don’t know why. I guess the way Tarantino portrays “whats next” is just genial.

Must watch.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Promotion = :: Coca-Cola + Ice + Lady

Coca-Cola, known for their blubber guaranteed sugar liquid is promoting their money tree right now with a twist. I'm sure most of you experienced this before, the ice flakes that form out of nowhere when you popped a can of soda. They made that a product and it's pretty damn cool. These ideas are something you brainstorm on a napkin and just scribble out coz you ain't pulling it off...but I guess crazy ideas do work sometimes with a little research and experimenting (and doe).

The concept is "Ice in your bottle". Opening the cap will form ice in your drink for a short period to keep the temperature cool for a longer period but it only lasts a few seconds. There's a trick though.
What you do is pop the cap to let the gas out a bit and twist it back on. Rotate it upside down for a while and back. In a few seconds an flakey ice bar will form in the center and you're set. It's also got ice flakes on the surface to drink along with.

That was cool and all...until I noticed a lady standing beside me with a mop. I thought she just walked by during her duty to see all the dumb-found people wandering around the vending machine but there was no sign of her leaving. One problem I experienced during the process was when I opened the cap after the Ice form thingy the coke burst out a bit. I had to wait a while till it chilled. And then there's this lady. So I asked. And it turns out she's on duty alright, but only in that specific area around the vending machine coz a lot of people spilled half their coke on the floor....she even told me some popped their coke to the roof! I guess that's one flaw coz now a lady has to stick with the promotion on each vending machine....But luckily there's only a few in HK right now and most are sold out, and it's seasonal so it'll only be a few weeks of hell for the lady.

You should try it once but I forgot the locations.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Survival Cooking.05 :: 麻婆豆腐四川風(家庭走辣版)

After deciding the title for this post I started typing the content and hit a dead end on the 2nd sentence....So I backspaced the hell out of there, crossed my arms and just stopped.

WTF is 麻婆豆腐 in english? Directly pronounced from Japanese/Cantonese (like in between) it'll sound like "Ma-bo Doufu". But that doesn't really translate coz we still look like a bunch of pigeons. The chinese characters in english would mean....Numb..biOld Lady Bean Curd.....That sounds like a diss so that prolly ain't right. It was a waste of time trying so I just Wiki-ed the damn characters and got.....

...Mapo Doufu

Ok Mapo Doufu it is. The whole dish basically is Bean-curd with minced beef and spicy pepper sauce. The origin comes from a Pock-marked old lady making a bean-curd dish, so the name ended up being 麻婆豆腐. MA-PO DOU-FU. Anyways you can check her out later if you're interested. So the title for this post is "Mapo Doufu Sichuan Style" (マーボーどうふシセンふう かていソウラーばん)

A bit long already so I'll make things short. There are many ways to make MAPO DOUFU but things should be kept nice and simple at home so you can ditch the fancy stuff like chili flakes and rice wine. What you do need is garlic, fermented black beans, chili broad bean paste(豆瓣酱), chili oil, spring onions and minced meat(can be pork or beef).↓

Just throw them all in, cook a bit, dust some salt, add few blocks of bean-curd and you're done. Don't need to add any extra water because the pork and bean-curd provides enough moist. Just one thing to note is not to smash the bean-curd too much or it'll turn pasty...which I almost pulled off.

The taste was pretty good. Not as spicy as I preferred. It's gotta be lip-numbing spicy if you label it "Sichuan Style". The people in Sichuan would beat the shit out of me if I served this, so 6 it is.

★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (6/10)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Epoch :: Coffee Bar & Desserterie

This cafe was buzzing around recently so some Colleagues and I went to see what the fuss was all about. Home to a HK Barista champion introduced last week on radio, sporting illy's, was more than expected. They really do know what they're doing with their illy's the cappuccino was off the hook. I ain't shelling out anymore doe to SB or PC unless I'm desperate. The pastry was pretty good too. The Orange Chocolate Dome (above) was better than expected but not overwhelming. You can taste the orange...a bit, but you can't even call it an accent. The chocolate and coating was really good though, but just doesn't live up to its name.

We had lunch there with a bowl of Risotto and Cream soup, which I forgot to snap because the hunger just took me over. All in all a great place to chill, we almost forgot lunch time was over.

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