
Here's a list of links I visit often to kill some time. (Links open in a separate tab or window)


:: A blog of a friend of mine I've known since we were in diapers. An official American with random thoughts on random things from a Japanese perspective. Just-turned Father to a Son and expecting a lot of posts about his Jr.(Son).

World of Sekimachihato
:: A Gaijins blog currently about his life in HK. Lived in Japan and has traveled probably most parts of the world. Speaks local Japanese, English, and probably understands most of the swears in other languages so don't fuck with him.

love peace pain
:: HK life of a typical HK girl. Recently married so expect the posts to have extra tension.

We Love Beautiful Things
:: Anything about beautiful things, published by good friends/ex-classmates. Really worth a look. Become a fan to be notified about new things whenever the blog is updated.

:: Via 琉球魂, this ladies crazy. Open to any topics with intelligent vocabulary and literacy, you'll be looking for a "specific tag" to keep yourself busy with. Funny as hell.
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