Emmerich. This guy never gets enough. Either he's giving us all a message (in 3 attempts) or he just hates the human race and wants to wipe us off the face of the earth (3rd time now, I won't count Godzilla).
Gotta hand it to him though, y2k12 was way over my expectations. The title (and director) speaks for itself so there isn't much to say really. Story-wise at least. It's a great popcorn movie where you don't have to think much, sit back and just enjoy Emmerich do his thing to humans.
I read a few reviews and comments about the movie and I gotta say here, why the hell do they even look forward to plots in this movie. Not sure if you define "dumb" in world-end plots coz there's only one place to end up in. Oscar worthy? Not really but that's not really the point in this movie and all the creators probably know that. I take it as a message of how "dumb" "WE" are and the movie is a reflection of how things should be. But since we're too dumb to visualize it, it's been done for you. That's another significant part of the movie.
The CG is just...I don't even have a word for it. I respect all the CG's done in other movies but this one was just off the hook. The detail, realism, detail, and detail. The effects are at a scale beyond human imagination (like space), but Emmerich somehow puts the visuals to life, and hits us hard with it. I think that's one of the reasons why there's such a big impact. It's something we can't imagine happening, but it is portrayed so real it makes us believe in the happening. Like the first image. When you hear "worlds end", the first thing that pops in my head is a big explosion. Natural disaster? Maybe earthquakes. But who woulda thought the damn crust would shift like that? It may not happen like that, but it is portrayed so real that you believe it may happen that way. Independence day was a good example too. We knew we'd be seeing UFO's but goddamn I never thought they'd be city sized. But maybe the mofo aliens out there really have a city sized ride.
I kinda said I had nothing to say about this film but damn I just went on. Go watch it in the theaters. If you want dildo seats (which I recommend), go watch it in the Grand Cinema at ELEMENTS (HK). It's a different experience. Fuck iMax.
8pts for the "HOLY SHIT" effect.
Oh and John Cusack is the shit!
what the heck is a "dildo seat"?!
surely it's not the same kinda seat i'm having visions of right now!
but then again; if you recommended it...
talk about a different experience alright!
well....it's a dildo seat. minus the shape that popped in your head, so it kinda vibrates.
If you're going by any chance, make sure to choose the "Manhattan Galaxy" house. That's the vibrating one.
Not sure about the women but I had a blast!
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