Sunday, November 11, 2007

Tokyo Trip 2007 :: Day ①

The first day. One hell of a morning. Got to the airport at 5:45am, half dead already. Knew a typhoon just hit Japan and is at peak. I didn't think it'd be so serious so I didn't bother wearing long sleeves. Big mistake.

□ Mr.Munky : Position - Camera Manager : At the airport boarding.

□ Had BK at the airport already but if they serve, I'm gonna eat. Not the worst, but still not really edible.

□ At Narita (right) :: Preparing for a long ride to the hotel. We had to switch trains in the middle and had to take a 10 minute walk to the damn station. Usually it's just across the platform but the one at 蔵前(Kuramae), they make you walk. Don't forget the typhoon. I got out and had to run my fatass to Lawson under heavy rain and wind to purchase an umbrella. The umbrella lasted a few hours and turned into metal and plastic.

□ Dinner @ Denny's :: 三元自然豚の厚切り肩ロース<240g>のオーブン焼き ロゼ色仕立て . O-M-G

□ Night stroll @ 銀座(Ginza) :: Cold Cold Cold. C O L D. That's the Sony Building btw, closed. Revisit later.

□ BTW :: The result

□ Finally :: aつくね棒(tsukune stick) treat! Man I miss these things. My first in years.

That was the first day. One hell of a day but a really good experience.

1 comment:

mandy said...

very lucky
typhoon welcome us to tokyo

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